Friday, February 27, 2009

Bollywood: Sexual Liberation or Pornography?

It’s no secret to anyone that Bollywood has become increasingly liberal with its sex scenes and dress codes over the past decade. Long gone are the days of the subtle fade-away over young lovers closing in for an affectionate nuzzle. Yesterday’s wet-sari dances have been replaced by today’s skimpy bikini-trots, or even full-on sex scenes.

We youth should be celebrating this epic change – a herald of India’s sexual liberation. While it is an obvious boon to the young men who love watching Bollywood hotties, it is perhaps the women who should be celebrating most. Women are now free to frolic around nearly naked on screen, groping and booty-shakin’ as they please. After centuries of oppressive limitations on what to wear, how to act in public, and how to speak with the opposite sex — Indian women are finally free.

But, is all this pornographic content really liberating Indian women? Do you feel empowered when you – and your boyfriend – watch Mallika having an orgasm (or is that something else you’re feeling?)

In our enthusiasm to embrace the Western ideals of free-falling breasts and jiggling butt-cheeks, I can’t help but feel that we’ve missed something important regarding women’s liberation…

At least in my mind, Sri Devi commanded more respect in that sultry sari than Mallika does in her biker-babe booty shorts.